Monday, November 2, 2009


Here's where we start
Michael Kuhn
Monetary and Capital Markets
Department Acting Director

Good day,

I found your name in the Central Computer among the list of unpaid (Contractors,
Inheritance next of kin and lotto beneficiaries that was originated from
American, Europe, Asia plus Middle east and Africans, among the list of
individuals and companies that your unpaid fund has been located to the Standard
Chartered Bank, HSBC, Barclays Bank, Natwest Bank, Bank of America, Eco Bank
Nigeria plc and CBN Plus ATM payment to mention only but few. Your name appeared
among the beneficiaries who will receive a part- payment of US$15.5 million and
has been approved already for months. You are requested to get back to me for
more direction and instruction on how to receive your fund.

However, we received an email from one Dr. Robert Walter who told us that he is
your next of kin and that you died in an auto crash some weeks. Dr Robert
Walter submitted account co-ordinates are as follows:

Bank of Lebanon
A/c no: 890458984589
Routing No: bl 275-79665
Beneficiary: Dr Robert Walter

He has also submitted his account for us to transfer the fund to him.We write to
confirm the genuinety of his information before the transfer could be made to
him accordingly, I apologize to you on behalf Of International Monetary Fund
(IMF) if we have received a false nformation http
failure to receive your funds earlier before now, which according to records in
the system has
been long overdue.


Your Full Name:
Telephone number:

Yours sincerely,
Michael Kuhn
Monetary and Capital Markets
Department Acting Director

My Response

Dearest Mike Kuhnt,

Oh my! I don't knoe a Dr. Walker and I am CERTINLY not dead. Actually, I am very much alive and hope to recive my money.

The informations you asked for:

Your Full Name: Ottoman M. Pire
Address: 10050 Cielo Drive, Benedict Canyon, Los Angeles, 90210 (This is where Sharon Tate was Murdered)

Telephone number: 887-794-7921 (This is the number of Dell Financial Services)
Age: 32
Occupation: Dancing Bear for the Russian Circus

I am hopeful to recives this money so I can make my blessings come true. Thank you for bbeing such a find human bean. There shuld be more pepoles like you.


Ottoman M. Pire

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