Tuesday, November 3, 2009

More poisonings in Africa

- Dear Friend,

It is my great pleasure and the trust which I have on you, though we have not met before, neither have we seen for the first time, but before I picked up your E-mail contact and write to you I prayed over it that God should direct me to a trustworthy and God fearing partner who will help me to invest this money in a good business

For this will permit me to go into business relationship with you, since I have made up my mind to make this Funds transfer with you, My name is Mrs. Faith Memuna Adams. A 45 years old wife of Late Dr. Williams Zongo Adams who was a Cocoa and Gold marchant in Cotonou Republic of Benin and we have only one Child his is name BENJAMIN SAHA ADAMS.My husband was poisoned to death by his business associates on one of their business outings to Accra Ghana,on 19th of Oct 2005. Before the death of my husband on the 26th December 2005 in the Benin Republic National Hospital. He sincerely called me on his bed side and told me that he had a sum of ($5M) which he deposited in Finance Firm.

The Funds deposit was made in his name secretly and he further explained to me that it was because of his wealth that he was poisoned by his business associates as a result of greeds and jelousy, that I should seek for a foreign partner in a country of my choice where I will transfer this money and use it for investment purposes and His son's good education as that has been the purpose he kept the Fund in the bank all these while with the deposit code stated "STRICTLY FOR ONWARD TRANSFER"

I want you to assist me by investing this money into a good business and also be a guardian over this money I am honourably seeking for your assistance in the following ways.

(1)To assist me to transfer this money into your bank account successfully

(2)To make arrangements for me and my son to come over to your country for Investments

(3)You will also be ready to accomodate us in your House for some time atleast till when we will be ready to stay on our own

(4)To help secure admission in a good University to enable him finish his educational career in your country

In line with this,I am willing to offer you 30% percent of the total sum as compensation for your effort/input after the successfull transfer of this fund in your bank account

I believe that this transaction would be concluded within 10 working days hitch freely as the bank Director promised me that he will commence on the transfer immediately if I provide a Business partner with a foreign bank account for remittance as the Funds Deposit code stipulates

I am waiting to hear from you soonest and also endeavour to confirm Your direct Telephone and Fax Numbers so that I can call you for easy communications

Thanks and God bless you for your kind understanding

Best Regards,Mrs.Faith Memuna Adams and son Benjamin. + 229 97 00 49 48.

My Response:

Dear Mrs.Adams,
Cocoa Merchants are dropping like flies in Africa! I have recived several emails in the last few days telling me about the plight of the families of Cocoa merchants. They all seem to be poisoned and then secretly call someone over to their bed side and tell them about a secret stash of money. Those other emails seemed fake, but yours seeems very real indeed.
I am sorry to hear about your son and your plight but I am more than happy to accept the money and accept you two into my home. Unfortunately, I live in an abandoned boxcar and check my email at the local library. I wash myself in the river, and I have sex with fish.
The United States is very lovely and generous to the plight of the homeless, like me. You can live like a king here for little to no money and with yur generous offering of money, we could be safe from all the elements for at least a month, if we are careful! So, please, yes, lets make this happen!
My name: Mathais "Hot Dog" Malone
My Phone Number: 222-222-&%$3
My Address: Old Box Car, on the back road
Occupation: Fish Sexer

I would greatly appriciate a response from you if you would like to make this happen.

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